May 2, 2024 –24 Nisan 5784


Celebrations overshadowed
by Pro-Palestinian protests

As Italy marked the 79th anniversary of its liberation from Nazi occupation and fascist rule on April 25, celebrations were overshadowed by pro-Palestinian protests, media controversies and occasional clashes between police and pro-Palestinian groups who voiced outrage at Israel’s actions in Gaza. In Milan, the Jewish Brigade's standard, a symbol of Jewish participation in Italy's liberation from Nazi-Fascism, was again paraded proudly. "It reminds us that our place is here," emphasized UCEI Vice President Milo Hasbani. “Unfortunately, we are not experiencing April 25th as it should be: a national holiday," he added.
Controversy arose over the National Association of Italian Partisans’ (ANPI) choice of the slogan "ceasefire everywhere," which caused the Jewish Community of Milan to forego official participation in the parade for the first time. Several members still attended, but only in a personal capacity. There was the traditional banner of the Hashomer Hatzair youth movement: "From the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising to Today, Now and Always Resistance." As in past years, the atmosphere was disrupted by pro-Palestinian protests.

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“Jewish partisans, not victims”

Between the Marche, Abruzzo and Umbria regions of Italy, 57 Jewish partisans fought during WWII against the Nazi-Fascists. «In these regions the Nazi occupation lasted a year. They were marked, especially Abruzzo, by the construction of the Gustav German defence line. To retrieve the histories and the names of Jewish partisans has not been easy, but with our work we went beyond my expectations,” historian Liliana Picciotto explained to Pagine Ebraiche. This work is the Contemporary Jewish Documentation Center Foundation’s (CDEC) research project, initiated in 2022, on the contribution by the Italian Jews to the Resistance between 1943 and 1945.
After working on Campania, Lazio, Toscana, Marche, Emilia-Romagna and Liguria regions, now another piece has been added with the names of those who in Marche, Abruzzo and Umbria risked or lost their lives in the name of the Liberation of Italy.

Translated by Chiara Tona, student at the Advanced School for Interpreters and Translators of the University of Trieste, trainee in the newsroom of the Union of the Italian Jewish Communities – Pagine Ebraiche.

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 ENMA, a single platform against antisemitism,
is born

“79% of Jewish victims of antisemitic violence have never reported it and this is what ENMA is also for. If successful, the platform’s comparability of transnational data on antisemitism will also help decision-makers in European countries.”
With these words, the head of the German Research and Information Centre on Antisemitism (RIAS - Recherche- und Informationsstellen Antisemitismus) Benjamin Steiniz, from the Berlin headquarters of the European Commission, announced the creation of ENMA, acronym for European Network on Monitoring Antisemitism. “Antisemitism must be made visible in order to be fought,” added Katharina von Schnurbein, European Commission’s Coordinator on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life. She defined Jew hatred as “a threat to democracy that remains unreported because doing so is too complicated. Whereas we need fast, digital and easily accessible means. This year the EU Commission will earmark EUR400,000 for ENMA to support and develop more direct contacts between antisemitism victims and the police.”

Translated by Francesca Roversi and revised by Marta Gustinucci, students at the Secondary School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators of the University of Trieste, trainees at the newspaper office of the Union of the Italian Jewish Communities – Pagine Ebraiche.

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La témérité de la famille Dorfles
nous conduit à Chiassovezzano

Le 18 septembre 1938 Benito Mussolini annonce l'entrée en vigueur des lois raciales depuis piazza Unità d'Italia à Trieste. Pour les juifs italiens commence la période de la persécution des droits, ce qui est le prélude de la persécution de leurs vies. À cette époque, parmi les autres citoyens, à Trieste on trouve les Dorfles, une famille bourgeoise de grande culture.
Ils devront bientôt partir pour se réfugier en Toscane à Chiassovezzano, une propriété entre Pise et Volterra pas loin du Parc San Rossore, où le roi Victor-Emmanuel III avait approuvé les mesures antisémites. Ici on retrouvera Giorgio avec sa femme Alma, ainsi que le future célèbre critique d'art Gillo et son épouse Lalla. À Chiassovezzano, Piero Dorfles, le fils de Giorgio, raconte l'histoire de cette famille juive "assimilée" qui s'est sauvée aussi grâce à « une bonne dose d'inconscience ». 

Traduction de Francesca Pischedda, révisée par Marta Gustinucci, étudiantes à l’École Supérieure de Langues Modernes pour les Interprètes et les Traducteurs de l’Université de Trieste, stagiaires dans le bureau du journal de l’Union des communautés juives italiennes – Pagine Ebraiche.


Carlo Greppi, the Italian writer
who brings Primo Levi's savior back to life

By Allan Kaval*

In the small apartment on the fourth floor of an old building in Turin, which he has transformed into a writing studio, 42-year-old historian and writer Carlo Greppi works among the ghosts of completed works and the promises of texts yet to be born. In the window, sits an enlarged reproduction of the cover of Il Buon Tedesco ("The Good German"), in which Greppi tells the story of a Wehrmacht officer who defected to the Italian resistance in 1944.

This article was published on Le Monde on April 3, 2024

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Pagine Ebraiche International Edition is published by the Union of Italian Jewish Communities (UCEI). UCEI publications encourage an understanding of the Jewish world and the debate within it. The articles and opinions published by Pagine Ebraiche International Edition, unless expressly stated otherwise, cannot be interpreted as the official position of UCEI, but only as the self-expression of the people who sign them, offering their comments to UCEI publications. Readers who are interested in making their own contribution should email us at
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Pagine Ebraiche International is edited by Daniela Gross.

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Pagine Ebraiche International è a cura di Daniela Gross.